

我中心是世界伊斯蘭食品營養協會(IFANCA HALAL)在國內的授權辦事處,那些冒牌利用IFANCA名義進行Halal認證的咨詢公司,請停止欺騙國內企業。


IFANCA 國內辦事處

133-8718 2788

在線咨詢 QQ: 731162395

聯系人: Mr.David Wang

E-mail: ifancahalal@263.net



      世界伊斯蘭食品營養協會 (IFANCA) 是全球******、最權威、最專業從事Halal認證(清真認證)的機構之一,成立于1982年,總部在美國的芝加哥,在歐洲、加拿大、馬來西亞、國內都設有辦事處,主要對食品配料、食品添加劑、營養品生產企業進行Halal認證。目前,全球已經有2000多家公司在我機構獲得Halal證書,其中有眾多國際大公司,比如 “安利 紐崔萊營養品公司”,“美贊臣營養品公司”,“德固薩公司”,“雀巢食品公司”,“羅氏維生素公司”,“奇華頓香精香料公司”,“羅蓋特公司”,“嘉吉集團”等。

IFANCA,registered in USA in 1982, maintains offices in Canada, Belgium, Malaysia,? and China , is a “not for profit”, Islamic organization with the mission to promote Halal food and the institution of Halal. Big international companies, such as “Amway Nutrilite”, "Meadjohnson Nutritionals",“Degussa”,“ Nestle”, “Roche Vitamins”, “Givaudan Flavors”, “Roquette”, “Cargill” have got Halal Certification from us IFANCA. There are more than 2000 companies in the worldwide and more than 100 companies in China have been Halal-certified by IFANCA.



Being the Sole Authorized China office, we work with Chinese companies to get Halal Certification, including submitting the Application, arranging the audit of factory, issuing the certificate and renewal of certificate. Professional, Efficient, Reliable services are our guarantee.


      我們相信在IFANCA Halal認證的協助下,能幫助你有全球市場和事業上走得更遠。


We believe that with the support of IFANCA Halal certification, we can help you move forward your market and business globally.